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1. Mark (completed)
2. Al Saad (completed)
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Dad with naughty kids threatens to sell Christmas presents on EBay. Kids call his bluff, Dad sells gifts on eBay
eBay: Bad children get no Nintendo DS, current bid over $750!
From the auction:
"This should cover most of the obvious questions:
1) No, this is not fake, we are serious, and we are just a mom and dad.
2) The boys actions included flying single digit fingers in the air, kicking, yelling, and using grammer you would not expect from anyone. If you make your mother cry you're wrong.
3) Yes, the bidding on this is obviously more than the product is worth. We've been slammed for "profiting" on our children's hard learned lesson. I assure you that it will be used for a just cause. Our church is in dire need of a new heater and we as a small church can not afford one. 4) "When doing what is right and proper becomes an abnormal act in this society it is time to take a step back and re-evaluate. Teaching accountability is NEVER EVER EVER wrong."
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