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Details on how get a free ipod, and links to actual received ipods - Is lying about the reason for a war an impeachable offense? - Jun. 6, 2003
An exploration of what Bush said about finding WMD's in Iraq, how it was stated emphatically and never hedged, and how this has the potential to be the biggest scandal since Watergate
Saddam got sand
Another story that is jumping on the bandwagon of Saddam had nothing. This one says that whatever raw material he ordered never actually came through. Interestingly the article states that weapons of mass destruction is an inappropriate term for chemical and biological weapons. If nothing else it makes sense that you have to demonize the weapons to legitimize statements that Saddam was a threat.
The Credit Card Prank
Just some funny stuff, the guy signs his name in wacky ways. The funniest is the drawings of stick figures which no one questions.
U.S. News: Just how good was America's intelligence on Iraq's weapons of mass terror(6/9/03)
"There is no reliable information on whether Iraq is producing and stockpiling chemical weapons . . . ." the media seem to be piling on to the fact that there wasn't solid proof that there were no weapons in Iraq.
Steve-O Sprung from Swedish Jail
He admitted to having ecstasy and marijuana and the same was found in his room. He was originally jailed for making a comment to Swedish media that he had swallowed a condom filled with marijuana